The first tool to help you with this will be our tracking page to give you our up to date plans and strategies to handle currently active and approaching snow storms. Winnipeg snow removal is a very chaotic service so plans can change by the minute, so it’s very important to get information from the Live Updates section of this page.
Our snow clearing occurs overnight only to do everything in our power to provide a clear driveway for the morning after a snow fall. During a big storm, we try to clear while it snows once per night, to limit the total snow accumulation on your driveway so you can still get out of your property. In these instances we do a quick service of driveways only while it is still snowing to provide the essential “get out” service, and then do a final cleanup of the walkways as well once the snow stops falling. By clearing while it snows, we’re able to finish our final cleanup quicker since there’s less snow for us to clear.
We also develop our storm plan days in advance of the storm arriving in correspondence with multiple weather forecasts to have the best possible strategy for the coming storm. This allows us to prepare resources and best direct them to clear the coming snow. The most important thing of all is to keep checking our tracking page to have up to date info on the plan for the currently active snow storm.